Our tarte flambée specialities and products are tailored to the needs of professionals

We believe that a good pro­duct pro­vi­des solu­ti­ons for our cus­to­mers. With our exten­sive range of tarte flam­bée bases, ready-made fro­zen tarte flam­bées and our large sel­ec­tion of equip­ment, we offer pre­mium pro­ducts with a wide variety of uses in almost all fields of appli­ca­tion in the cate­ring sector.

Crisp, authentic tarte flambée bases – the ideal foundation for creative recipes

Our bases offer you com­plete free­dom and are the per­fect foun­da­tion for your ama­zin­gly crisp crea­ti­ons. They are made tra­di­tio­nally, using flour, water, vege­ta­ble oil and table salt, and not­hing else: no fla­vour enhan­cers, yeast, lea­vening agents or other addi­ti­ves. They are also made wit­hout eggs and are lac­tose-free, making them per­fect for vegan and vege­ta­rian ver­si­ons. Our bases are all pre-baked, using a hot-pres­sing method we deve­lo­ped our­sel­ves. Thanks to this spe­cial pro­duc­tion pro­cess, our bases are light, wafer-thin and crisp, yet still sturdy enough to hold all kinds of top­pings, a distin­gu­is­hing qua­lity that sets us apart on the market.

Bes­i­des our basic bases, we also pro­duce indi­vi­dual sizes, gram­mages and fla­vours, all tail­o­red to your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and requests. Our bases can also be ali­gned to the needs of your sales mar­ket: from extra-thin to extra-rustic, adapted to coun­try-spe­ci­fic preferences.


140 g
ca. 27 x 37 cm

120 g
ca. 28 x 37 cm

115 g
ca. 29 x 37 cm
hand­made look

130 g
ca. 28 x 38 cm

120 g
ø ca. 30 cm

70 g
ca. 18,5 x 29 cm

60 g
ca. 17,5 x 25,5 cm


The ori­gi­nal base made of 100% spelt flour

130 g
ca. 28 x 37 cm


Tasty with rye flour and malt

160 g
ca. 25 x 32 cm













Con­trol­led raw materials

Ready-made traditional tarte flambées of premium frozen quality – quick, easy and bursting with flavour

Whe­ther you pre­fer tra­di­tio­nal Alsa­tian, Medi­ter­ra­nean or vege­ta­rian, we gua­ran­tee your tarte flam­bée will taste great. Our ready-made tarte flam­bées offer pre­mium fro­zen qua­lity, excel­lent bak­ing beha­viour and a variety of fla­vours – from salty to sweet. They are easy to handle and bake quickly in the oven with little extra effort – no defros­ting necessary.

Our Basic tarte flam­bée is an espe­ci­ally fle­xi­ble and easy ver­sion, coa­ted with a wafer-thin layer of pre-sea­so­ned tarte flam­bée cream. The per­fect base to let your crea­ti­vity guide you as you choose your own, indi­vi­dual toppings.

with tarte flam­bée cream 

with bacon and onions

with cheese and leek

with cheese, toma­toes and hot peppers

with sal­mon and dill

Ori­en­tal style
with chi­cken kebab, toma­toes, pep­pers and onions

with apple cubes and cinnamon


Place fro­zen pro­duct in pre­hea­ted oven and bake the tarte in the fire­brick or gate­ring oven until crisp.

Our electric tarte flambée ovens – the right solution for every baking situation

Excel­lent equip­ment and excel­lent pro­ducts go hand in hand. That’s why we offer four elec­tric tarte flam­bée ovens with dif­fe­rent capa­ci­ties, sizes and varia­ble out­puts to ensure you can prepare your tarte flam­bées in the best pos­si­ble way: from our com­pact ver­sion for quick snacks in bar and coun­ter ope­ra­tion to our full kit­chen option for bak­ing at a large-scale.

Our tarte flam­bées with their dif­fe­rent con­ve­ni­ence qua­li­ties are, of course, per­fectly sui­ted for other bak­ing methods as well, for exam­ple con­vec­to­mats and con­veyor ovens. Cont­act us for a com­pre­hen­sive con­sul­ta­tion at our in-house Com­pe­tence Center.

FOUR2 230 V

also available with one bak­ing cham­ber Four1
(no illus­tra­tion)

  • stain­less steel case
  • two bak­ing chambers
  • upper and lower heat
    sepera­tely adjustable

Tech­ni­cal data:
Exter­nal dimen­sion: W 520 x D 580 x H 350 mm
Inter­nal dimen­sion: 2x W 350 x D 410 x H 80 mm
3,4 kW / 230 V / 50 Hz , weight ca. 30kg

FP 66 R 230 V

also available with one bak­ing cham­ber FP 36 R
(no illus­tra­tion)

  • stain­lees steel case
  • two bak­ing chambers
  • upper and lower heat
    partly adjus­ta­ble

Tech­ni­cal data:
Exter­nal dimen­sion: W 550 x D 430 x H 375 mm
Inter­nal dimen­sion: 2x W 410 x D 360 x H 90 mm
2,4 kW / 230 V / 50 Hz , weight ca. 28kg


  • stain­less steel case
  • two bak­ing cham­bers with
    coo­king grid racks
  • upper and lower heat
    sepa­ra­tely adjustable

Tech­ni­cal data:
Exter­nal dimen­sion: W 522 x D 350 x H 360 mm
Inter­nal dimen­sion: 2x W 400 x D 340 x H 85 mm
3,5 kW / 230 V / 50/60 Hz , weight ca. 20kg

TIZIANO TZ 230 400 V

  • stain­less steel case
  • two bak­ing chambers
  • upper and lower heat
    sepera­tely adjustable

Tech­ni­cal data:
Exter­nal dimen­sion: W 920 x D 660 x H 732 mm
Inter­nal dimen­sion: 2x W 620 x D 460 x H 145 mm
6,4 kW / 400 V / 50 Hz , weight ca. 126kg

Elegant serving boards – perfect for a traditional, Alsation tarte flambée experience

Tarte flam­bée ser­ved on a plate? That’s not the way a true Alsa­tion would do it. An authen­tic expe­ri­ence includes the way in which the tarte is ser­ved. That’s why we offer a wide assort­ment of ser­ving boards from our own pro­duc­tion, made of a range of high-qua­lity mate­ri­als that include bam­boo and birch. 

Birch Serving Boards

These ser­ving boards are made out of 9 mm thick, washa­ble birch plywood. 

ca. 31 × 39,5 cm
Handle: ca. 12 cm

ca. 31 × 39 cm
Handle: ca. 12 cm

ø  ca. 32 cm
Handle: ca. 12 cm

ca. 20 x 29 cm
Handle: ca. 12 cm

ca. 19 x 25 cm
Handle: ca. 10 cm

Bamoo 7 mm

ca. 31 × 39,5 cm, Handle: ca. 12 cm


ca. 27,5 x 37,5 cm
ideal for sin­gle use

On request, we can engrave our serving boards with your logo

Give your ser­ving board its own, indi­vi­dual look. We use a high-qua­lity bran­ding pro­cess to trans­fer your company’s logo or slo­gan straight onto the wood.

Our tarte flambée equipment – an extensive range for professional users

Excel­lent equip­ment is key, and not just when it comes to bak­ing. Our exten­sive assort­ment of tarte flam­bée equip­ment includes sho­vels, cut­ters and angled palet­tes and crea­tes the ideal con­di­ti­ons to give your kit­chen a head start in all things tarte flam­bée. Our tools are made of stain­less steel and/or high-qua­lity pla­s­tics, are dish­wa­sher-safe and per­fect for pro­fes­sio­nal use.

mado of stain­less steel

with pla­s­tic handle
ø 102 mm

made of plastic

mado of stain­less steel
for 2 cut­ter wheels
stan­ding or hanging

made of stain­less steel 
for 15 trays
stan­ding or hanging